Sunday, January 28, 2007
a weekend with incessant raindrops and interspersed joy in-between.dad's back after being away for one entire week (: that totally wiped away the word 'stressed' which has been plastered on my mum's face!haha, and grandparents popped by singapore! its so comforting to have loved ones by your side again. and i love the added noise and buzzle my grandparents add to home.like how my grandma's shirt flew off cos of the strong wind while she's desperately trying to hang them out and my granddad ran down to get it almost immediately.haha! the power of love of the two old ones (: and to top it all my dad brought durians back from indo. he lied to me he couldnt get them cus its kind of impossible to pass the immigration with the durian smell in luggage or something, but infact he tupperwared and ziplocked everything and brought my favourite across the miles (: so sweet of him for such a nice surprise.lies forgiven.haha.oh guess what? just found out that both my orthodontist (dentist) and family doctor are both ex-canoeists! how cool is that! orthodontist was from nyjc and he went on and on asking me bout canoeing when there's no way i could answer him cus he's treating my teeth. whatever. and my family doctor's an ex-hwachong canoeist! went to see him to get cream for the hideous white patch on my right arm. to quote him "attacked by fungus and sun".i was completely grossed out.hope it heals soon.more like, it better heal soon.and i fell down while playing bball in church today.it tore my jeans at my right knee and the so expected blood and abrasion followed.havent fell down in a long time so the pain kind of doubled.haha,but the pain didnt last (: so ive got a pretty hot wound to start the week with,haha.am still in the process of clearing my 'to-do-list' despite the constant distraction of my more attractive "want-to-do-list".oh well.new week beckons?and happy birthday dearest yimtong (:just one simple word:happy.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
today's the first weekday of the year that i actually reached home when the sky's still bright.that's just because i skipped art lesson for dental appointment.haha! but the feeling to be back home so early for once's rather awesome! seriously,been leaving house when the sky's dark and reaching home when they sky's equally dark since the school reopens /:ohh! and i havent been late even once this year (: its a remarkable achievement considering i had been late unnumbered times last year. that's just because im sharing a cab now every morn with ryan, shihong and his brother to school, haha. still, not being late makes me happy! this may seem silly, but it makes me glad when i can simply "make it on time" (:workload has been significantly piling and i feel more squashed than ever.still, i'll find someway to get myself out of the whole screwedup workload im having now! rants.short entry but it sure winds me down a little (: a break from all the nonsense out there waiting for me.BOO.God answered my prayer (:
Friday, January 12, 2007
7:10 PM first post of the year
14th december was my last entry, and almost a month has passed ever since.its still unbelievable how seconds tick so fast without me even realising it.anyway, i know this is WAY belated, but have a splendid and blessed new year everyone! (:
reluctant to depart with the previous, despite having stepped into the next.a heart filled with gratitude, for ALL that 2006 has given me-more than i could ever ask for.rewinding into my memory bank made me realise how BLESSED ive been.to have received Your salvation and grace, to have a family as an anchorage, holding me on since day one, to have a class as heartwarming, to have teammates as lovely to endure and share the tiniest bits of life and canoe together, to have close friends standing by me and to have found you.
the year ahead is no more than a blank piece of cloth, waiting to be embossed with a myriad of colours to form a picture yet unknown.more of anxiety than anticipation for me cos of the major exam at the end of the road, but exciting nevertheless, with God, family and friends by my side.
looks like the last half of december's been missing in here, so here it is, for keepsakes and memory.dont want to lose the feel of all that has happened despite the fact that those moments have the word "history" imprinted all over them.
christmas to me:
{16/12} church carolling at rivervale condominium. seeing the little kids jump onto santaclaus and shake his hand with gleaming faces made me smile.anyway there's this cute little boy who cried cus he was afraid of santa.aww.haha.
{18-19/12} stayover at karen and jo-ann's place! anyway, jo suddenly didnt feel well halfway through newyork2 that night and it scared me out of my wits.fortunately sean and nicholas nearby at esp library came to rescue us out of that pit.truly appreciated! its amazing how we can still stay as close since primary school days! cluedo and winnie-the-pooh, do we ever grow out of it? haha. dont think so, and i dont want to.rummaged jo's kitchen for raisins and fruits, karen's horrendous pre-sleeping syndrome haha and really hearty breakfast.i loved this best - snuggling into old pri sch uniform and pe attire that day made me relive that sense of warmth and belonging and being able to reminisince it all with you two made it complete.pri sch besties, and will always be (: 

{17/12} the day i got baptised.God's child and proud to be one (:
"Lord i offer my life to You, everything i've been through, use it for Your glory, lord i offer my days to You, lifting my hands to You, as a pleasing sacrifice, Lord i offer Your my life."
{19/12} LAUGHTER gathering! cheesecakes, cafe cartel at that particular place and particular spot, spontaneous laughters, our hallmarks treasured always.LOVE: peiqi, minhua, ber, lili, baojia and wongshihui you better appear the next time round (:
{21/12} 4J class gathering at leroy's house! it was heartening to see more than half of the class there (: those who cant come were greatly missed! had a lovely dinner with never ending supply of chicken wings, pretty logcake and pizza delivery. anyway, it's not the food but the company. one year has passed and am glad everything still falls in place!

{23/12} acted in a christmas skit 'depressed bob' with josh, caleb, shien and olive with david as our awesome director and matt the assistant director watching over us from america? haha. anyway,truly enjoyed rehearsing with you guys despite headaches at times.thought those violent moves like whacking the face with frying pan, or getting one's head hit with ladder even pushing down a christmas tree were absolutely hilarious too! (: thanks for the sunflower teammates!
{24/12} church carolling to seven places! the christmas songs were totally stuck in my mind that entire night, especially 'we are the reason' cus we sang it over and over, uncountable times? haha. and our incredible angklong ensemble!really hope everyone's received the miracle of christmas and felt the touch of God's love (:
{25/12} the loveliest day of the year.jesus' birthday and how much it meant to me.
{30/12} had a smashing stayover in church on new yr's eve and welcomed newyr with a BIG GRIN (: noodles at four am and bridges with nonsensical conversations, me and desiree's failed attempt at maths and nice catching up with you-colleague.haha.
thought i would have a miserable december simply not being able to go back to indonesia.but it didnt turn out that way, infact, its been so much lovelier than
i could ever imagine.meeting up with close friends and spending more time with church mates made all the difference.a sweet christmas to be remembered (:okay, now back to the present.tomorrows are so filled with uncertainties.let's see how He leads, simply follow (:
one day
i parked my heart in a one-way street
called wait.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
a weekend with incessant raindrops and interspersed joy in-between.dad's back after being away for one entire week (: that totally wiped away the word 'stressed' which has been plastered on my mum's face!haha, and grandparents popped by singapore! its so comforting to have loved ones by your side again. and i love the added noise and buzzle my grandparents add to home.like how my grandma's shirt flew off cos of the strong wind while she's desperately trying to hang them out and my granddad ran down to get it almost immediately.haha! the power of love of the two old ones (: and to top it all my dad brought durians back from indo. he lied to me he couldnt get them cus its kind of impossible to pass the immigration with the durian smell in luggage or something, but infact he tupperwared and ziplocked everything and brought my favourite across the miles (: so sweet of him for such a nice surprise.lies forgiven.haha.oh guess what? just found out that both my orthodontist (dentist) and family doctor are both ex-canoeists! how cool is that! orthodontist was from nyjc and he went on and on asking me bout canoeing when there's no way i could answer him cus he's treating my teeth. whatever. and my family doctor's an ex-hwachong canoeist! went to see him to get cream for the hideous white patch on my right arm. to quote him "attacked by fungus and sun".i was completely grossed out.hope it heals soon.more like, it better heal soon.and i fell down while playing bball in church today.it tore my jeans at my right knee and the so expected blood and abrasion followed.havent fell down in a long time so the pain kind of doubled.haha,but the pain didnt last (: so ive got a pretty hot wound to start the week with,haha.am still in the process of clearing my 'to-do-list' despite the constant distraction of my more attractive "want-to-do-list".oh well.new week beckons?and happy birthday dearest yimtong (:just one simple word:happy.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
today's the first weekday of the year that i actually reached home when the sky's still bright.that's just because i skipped art lesson for dental appointment.haha! but the feeling to be back home so early for once's rather awesome! seriously,been leaving house when the sky's dark and reaching home when they sky's equally dark since the school reopens /:ohh! and i havent been late even once this year (: its a remarkable achievement considering i had been late unnumbered times last year. that's just because im sharing a cab now every morn with ryan, shihong and his brother to school, haha. still, not being late makes me happy! this may seem silly, but it makes me glad when i can simply "make it on time" (:workload has been significantly piling and i feel more squashed than ever.still, i'll find someway to get myself out of the whole screwedup workload im having now! rants.short entry but it sure winds me down a little (: a break from all the nonsense out there waiting for me.BOO.God answered my prayer (:
Friday, January 12, 2007
14th december was my last entry, and almost a month has passed ever since.its still unbelievable how seconds tick so fast without me even realising it.anyway, i know this is WAY belated, but have a splendid and blessed new year everyone! (:
reluctant to depart with the previous, despite having stepped into the next.a heart filled with gratitude, for ALL that 2006 has given me-more than i could ever ask for.rewinding into my memory bank made me realise how BLESSED ive been.to have received Your salvation and grace, to have a family as an anchorage, holding me on since day one, to have a class as heartwarming, to have teammates as lovely to endure and share the tiniest bits of life and canoe together, to have close friends standing by me and to have found you.
the year ahead is no more than a blank piece of cloth, waiting to be embossed with a myriad of colours to form a picture yet unknown.more of anxiety than anticipation for me cos of the major exam at the end of the road, but exciting nevertheless, with God, family and friends by my side.
looks like the last half of december's been missing in here, so here it is, for keepsakes and memory.dont want to lose the feel of all that has happened despite the fact that those moments have the word "history" imprinted all over them.
christmas to me:
{16/12} church carolling at rivervale condominium. seeing the little kids jump onto santaclaus and shake his hand with gleaming faces made me smile.anyway there's this cute little boy who cried cus he was afraid of santa.aww.haha.
{18-19/12} stayover at karen and jo-ann's place! anyway, jo suddenly didnt feel well halfway through newyork2 that night and it scared me out of my wits.fortunately sean and nicholas nearby at esp library came to rescue us out of that pit.truly appreciated! its amazing how we can still stay as close since primary school days! cluedo and winnie-the-pooh, do we ever grow out of it? haha. dont think so, and i dont want to.rummaged jo's kitchen for raisins and fruits, karen's horrendous pre-sleeping syndrome haha and really hearty breakfast.i loved this best - snuggling into old pri sch uniform and pe attire that day made me relive that sense of warmth and belonging and being able to reminisince it all with you two made it complete.pri sch besties, and will always be (: 

{17/12} the day i got baptised.God's child and proud to be one (:
"Lord i offer my life to You, everything i've been through, use it for Your glory, lord i offer my days to You, lifting my hands to You, as a pleasing sacrifice, Lord i offer Your my life."
{19/12} LAUGHTER gathering! cheesecakes, cafe cartel at that particular place and particular spot, spontaneous laughters, our hallmarks treasured always.LOVE: peiqi, minhua, ber, lili, baojia and wongshihui you better appear the next time round (:
{21/12} 4J class gathering at leroy's house! it was heartening to see more than half of the class there (: those who cant come were greatly missed! had a lovely dinner with never ending supply of chicken wings, pretty logcake and pizza delivery. anyway, it's not the food but the company. one year has passed and am glad everything still falls in place!

{23/12} acted in a christmas skit 'depressed bob' with josh, caleb, shien and olive with david as our awesome director and matt the assistant director watching over us from america? haha. anyway,truly enjoyed rehearsing with you guys despite headaches at times.thought those violent moves like whacking the face with frying pan, or getting one's head hit with ladder even pushing down a christmas tree were absolutely hilarious too! (: thanks for the sunflower teammates!
{24/12} church carolling to seven places! the christmas songs were totally stuck in my mind that entire night, especially 'we are the reason' cus we sang it over and over, uncountable times? haha. and our incredible angklong ensemble!really hope everyone's received the miracle of christmas and felt the touch of God's love (:
{25/12} the loveliest day of the year.jesus' birthday and how much it meant to me.
{30/12} had a smashing stayover in church on new yr's eve and welcomed newyr with a BIG GRIN (: noodles at four am and bridges with nonsensical conversations, me and desiree's failed attempt at maths and nice catching up with you-colleague.haha.
thought i would have a miserable december simply not being able to go back to indonesia.but it didnt turn out that way, infact, its been so much lovelier than
i could ever imagine.meeting up with close friends and spending more time with church mates made all the difference.a sweet christmas to be remembered (:okay, now back to the present.tomorrows are so filled with uncertainties.let's see how He leads, simply follow (:
one day
i parked my heart in a one-way street
called wait.